Dear subscriber, The swift and aggressive spread of the neocoronavirus (Covid-19) has required governments all over the world to take rapid and bold actions to handle the immediate health emergencies. The way forward will require wartime thinking rather than a business-as-usual attitude. Governance in all sectors, Large, Medium and Small Industries, Supply Chains, Essential Commodities, Public Health, Education, and virtually every aspect of life as we know it, has taken a hit. There’s a huge lot that needs to be done, at the micro and the macro levels. However, on the brighter side we got to see blue skies and breathed in clean and fresh air after the lockdown. That may offer lessons of the kind of world we want to inhabit after the pandemic. Looking at the brighter picture will make our onward journey a tad easier. Please browse through the April 15-30, 2020 Tatsat Foundation Communique for a close look at some newsy developments.
Sumi Gupta, Director, Tatsat Foundation |