Dear subscriber, Every crisis brings forth opportunities, and new ways of working. In businesses and corporate cultures, it’s called “creative disruption”, or radical, transformative change brought about by the overturning of existing conventions. Work from Home (WFH) is one such breakthrough move that has ensured work continuity in these turbulent times. Rapid digitalization has enabled contact-less deliveries, telemedicine, control room management, real-time surveillance, and so on. Gartner, leading research and advisory firm, has identified hyper-automation as a top trend for the year, with organizations automating at a scale never seen before, warding off collapse of businesses. With active Covid-19 cases rising to over three lakh a day, triggered by the “double mutant” variant, B.1.617, it’s important to keep the outlook positive, and keep looking for solutions. There’s been unprecedented rallying together of forces. The government has stepped up efforts to mitigate the crisis and over 40 countries are assisting India in its fight, with oxygen supplies and other medical equipment. At the micro-level, resident volunteers of condominiums have been pitching in proactively. From meal support to anxiety counseling, many apartment blocks are examples of model community living. This is the kind of narrative that exudes hope. Surely, with such efforts, we shall overcome, and fast. Stay masked all the time, stay at home as far as possible, and stay safe. Please also browse through our periodic Tatsat Communique. Sumi Gupta, Director, Tatsat Foundation |